2021 San Marino Motor Classic


Los Angeles Concours d'Elegance - San Marino Motor Classic

First, I must extend my sincere gratitude and thanks to Mr. Aaron Weiss for accommodating my requests yet again and his extreme generosity, THANK YOU!

Back for 2021! Taking a brief pause in the action due to the covid restrictions last year the 2021 San Marino Motor Classic provided enough cars, entertainment, food and fun to make up for it!  Join me as I walk you through part of my day; but let me tell you first, no words or pictures do the show complete justice, I highly recommend you mark your calendars for next year.

Do that by keeping updated with all things that are show related via their website here:

Ok, now that you've done that (I assume you have!) lets get started.

Walking up a beautiful tree lined street in the lovely city of San Marino you already get a sense of something special, the buzz of custom exhaust systems and that glorious scent of carburetors along the street as you are walking to the entrance of Lacy Park are abound. Some of these glorious vehicles who are not in the show are already lining the street.  Check out this Buick!


As you walk up to the entrance you are greeted by a host of staff and volunteers ready to check you in at the will call station, the process to get into the show is very well organized, fully staffed and extremely pleasant.

Volunteer members of the  Rotary Club of San Marino greet you with your program and a smile as you walk in!  They do an amazing job not only at the entrance but are busy throughout the entire show.  Rotary club members are busy picking up trash receptacles, handing out programs, ushering participants and welcoming guests and even offering bottled water! Talk about a welcoming environment!

Let me take a brief pause in the action here, the San Marino Motor Classic is not only a way to see some of the rarest, most prized vehicles in the nation but it is an opportunity to help the following charities, such as the  Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA and the Rotary Club of San Marino.  The way you can show support other than buying a ticket for show or Gala Event is by donating to the aforementioned organizations, here are some links below (Please take a moment to learn more about them by clicking the link).

Rotary Club of San Marino 

Cancer Support Community Pasadena

Pasadena Humane Society

Auto Art Gallery

Or learn more about the amazing philanthropy achieved through the San Marino Motor Classic and if you are inclined donations are taken anytime here:  https://www.sanmarinomotorclassic.com/general-donations

Now back to the action!  Picking up my program and entering the park you arrive to an opening for the eyes! An amazing collection and variety of vehicles, some of which you will most likely never see outside this show.  

The show is meticulously organized throughout the park, program in hand or not the show and the park layout is very easy to navigate and there are plenty of signs, picnic tables and shade to easily make this a family outing.  Do you like Porsche's and someone else like BMW's? No problem, split up and make it back to the food truck's at the top of the park in a few hours; then enjoy a light lunch, an iced coffee or dessert and continue the journey!

For me I am a fan of it all! Of the things that make this particular show such a treat is the collection of vehicles from the early 1900's, I mean this section of cars are well over a 100 years old for the most part and are in some cases in better condition than some new cars you see down the road today.  Below are a few of my favorites.

That's just a small sampling of the show's offerings, the San Marino Motor Classic has an extensive display of vehicles across different classes inviting the best of the best to compete for one of the over 16 prestigious awards.  You will definitely see a wide variety of one-off, custom and exotic vehicles on display.  

One of the most enjoyable aspects of the show is how warm and welcoming the vehicle owners are, I had some great conversations with the owners of some of the most unique cars I have seen!  All eager to talk about the restoration process or history of their vehicle, displaying the features and accessories that make their particular car just that much more special!

For instance this particular gem!!

Oh I wish I kept my Mercedes that I sold in the 90s! Well, now that my rant is over let me show you a few other exotics that are freely on display here, yes I'm biased these are all Ferrari's!

There is something for everyone here, a wide range of historic, exotic, hot-rod, muscle and almost every genre of vehicle is here.  In addition there is a lot to do! Walking the beautiful grounds itself, enjoying lunch by deciding which one of the food trucks to go to, shopping with the vendors on display selling a variety of handmade and custom products or just taking it all in as the cars are called up to collect their award.

With all said the 2021 San Marino Motor Classic was an amazing event!!  I cannot wait until the 2022 show dates are announced (which from what I understand is in August).  The annual show not only brings out the best that the collector community has to offer but it also provides an opportunity for philanthropy that will benefit the aforementioned charities but most specifically the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA and the Rotary Club of San Marino.

As mentioned visit their website for more information:

See you there!

Signing off,

